本科 Online Degree 项目

North Dakota State University offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that will help you meet your career goals.

Online student applicants follow the same admission processes and requirements for all students entering the university.

Below is a list of degree programs offered fully online. Additional courses in other degree programs may also be offered through online or hybrid delivery.



工商管理课程通过提供广泛的会计知识基础来满足学生的需求, 金融, 管理, 市场营销, 创业, 管理 information systems, and business law – with a blend of theory and practice. NDSU graduates are employed in business and non-profit organizations, pursue their own businesses and graduate studies, and enhance their abilities to manage business operations, analyze business opportunities/challenges, 团队合作, 做出正确的决定.




Computer engineering deals with both hardware and software aspects of computer systems. 学生既要学习基本的电气和计算机工程课程,也要学习计算机工程设计的核心课程. 由于在产品的各个方面越来越多地使用计算机,并且需要在计算实践方面有能力的工程师,因此对计算机工程师的需求很强. Fundamental topics included in the program are embedded systems, 计算机体系结构, 数字系统, 嵌入式机器学习, algorithms and operating systems. 除了, 该计划包括所有工程学科和人文社会科学基础大学研究共同的核心科目. Technical specialization areas within computer engineering include the following: Computer Architecture/Digital VLSI, Cyber-Physical系统, 及嵌入式系统, 及电脑系统.






Electrical and Computer Engineer

ECE 101 b

(701) 231-7608



的 Bachelor of Science in 网络安全 is offered by the Department of Computer Science. 的 curriculum includes courses in topics including defensive network security, 网络, 道德黑客, 恶意软件分析, 编程, and cybersecurity law and policy. It also provides a background in general education areas such as mathematics and communications.

网络安全 seeks to prevent and provides the tools to respond to attacks against computing systems and organizations. It is a field that spans numerous areas, 从保护和测试IT系统安全性的高技术方面到防止组织成员手动窃取数据. 网络安全从业者保护社会各个领域的重要私人信息——从医疗保健到银行再到政府——并保护对每个人日常生活至关重要的系统.


Professor and Department Chair
QBB 258 a22
(701) 231-8197

QBB 424
(701) 231-8196


电气工程师设计系统并解决与电力和通信有关的各个方面的问题-从生产和存储到传输到计算机系统的使用. 的 profession is broad, encompassing products valued by society in many technical specialties. NDSU electrical engineering graduates are working all over the world in a variety of exciting jobs at excellent salaries. 的y work in research, 设计, sales, manufacturing, testing, installation, development and teaching. Technical areas within the field include the following: Biomedical Engineering, Communication and Signal Processing, 控制工程, 电磁学, Electronics and Microelectronics, 纳米技术, 光学工程, 及电力系统.






Electrical and Computer Engineer

ECE 101 b

(701) 231-7608


Human Development and Family Science

Human Development and Family Science 主要s are prepared to work in a variety of areas related to children, 老化的成年人, 和家庭. Employment opportunities include parent and family life educators, 扩展代理, child protection service professionals, 金融咨询师, nursing home activity directors, 信贷专家, and directors of child care licensing.




的 NDSU 市场营销 program is carefully 设计ed to ensure students have understanding of how to successfully manage products, 价格, 职位及晋升, and have analytical and interpersonal skills. 的 curriculum blends general education, pre-professional course work, fundamental business knowledge (accounting, 金融, 管理, 市场营销, 和信息系统), 国际接触, and in-depth 市场营销-specific courses. 市场营销专业的学生也可以选择供应链管理课程和/或攻读专业销售证书,以提高他们的专业技能和知识.



Nursing: LPN to BSN, RN to BSN

LPN到BSN: NDSU's nursing program provides an opportunity for nurses to earn a bachelor's degree primarily online. 的 sequence of nursing courses is six semesters (including summers) in length. Clinical experiences are completed in the Fargo/Moorhead community. 的 length of the clinical experience varies but is primarily in the summer.



RN到BSN: NDSU has a well-established school of nursing with a long history of educating successful nurses. This 100 percent online RN to BSN program joins the other nursing programs as a high-quality, meaningful way to earn your BSN.




软件工程理学学士学位由计算机科学系和电气与计算机工程系联合开设. 的 curriculum includes courses in software engineering, 计算机科学, electrical and computer engineering, along with the relevant mathematics background.

软件工程 is the 设计 and application of systematic, 有纪律的, and quantifiable approaches to the development and conservation of software, software systems and related computing hardware. 的 Systems Programming track focuses on embedded systems while the Applications Development track centers on methodologies, 技术, and tools to manage the software development life cycle.






Electrical and Computer Engineer

ECE 101 b

(701) 231-7608



Professor and Department Chair

QBB 258 a22

(701) 231-8197



的 Bachelor of 大学研究 degree is 设计ed to provide a unique, 非传统和跨学科的课程,学生的目标和目的不能通过传统建立的学术专业或辅修来实现. Students completing the degree may plan careers in a wide variety of fields, 包括政府, 医疗保健, business and continuing education.




Assistant Director, Student Success Initiatives
Ceres 306
(701) 231-6313


Aging Studies undergraduate certificate enables students to learn more about current issues that affect adults as they age. Students will learn foundational information, as well as how to apply it in real-world contexts to improve quality of life for older adults and their families.


Department of Computer Science

  • Computer Science Foundations certificate
    计算机科学基础证书完成了计算机科学B的前2-3个学期推荐的课程列表.S. 主要. 该证书的先决条件可以通过以下两种方式之一来满足:已经完成计算和安全基础证书的学生可以继续学习Python序列中的其余课程(CSCI 228/229)。. Students without 编程 background can take the Java sequence (CSCI 160/161), provided they pass the Math placement test at Trigonometry or Precalculus level. This certificate moreover provides fluency in the use of the Unix operating system (CSCI 277), which is important in all of our 主要s.
  • Fundamentals of Computing and Security certificate
    计算和安全基础证书提供了语言和系统中更高级概念的全面覆盖. 拥有非stem学科学士学位的学生,如果希望攻读计算机科学研究生课程,将能够通过本证书展示先进的定量技能. Programming knowledge equivalent to the Computer Science Foundations certificate is expected.
  • 网络安全证书
    的 网络安全 certificate draws from the set of courses that are specific to the B.S. in 网络安全 and the 网络安全 track of B.S. 计算机科学学位. 拥有计算机科学学位的专业人士希望扩大他们在网络安全领域的专业知识,这可能会引起他们的兴趣. It is also targeted at current students who complete a different track of the B.S. in Computer Science and wish to cover more than one specialization.


CERTIFICATES in COMP SCI that are not currently online

Core Computer Science Competencies certificate
核心计算机科学能力证书由那些没有计算机科学学位的人在计算机科学高级课程或专业中可能需要的课程组成. 离散数学(CSCI 222)包括布尔代数和其他数学概念的介绍,这些概念构成了计算机算法的基础. 数据库系统(CSCI 366)阐述了关系数据库系统的理论和实践,这些系统是绝大多数商业软件乐虎集团程序的基础. 比较编程语言(CSCI 372)讨论了一些最重要的语言的概念以及它们之间的异同. Programming knowledge equivalent to the Computer Science Foundations certificate is expected.

的 Data Science certificate draws from the set of courses that are specific to the Data Science track of the B.S. 计算机科学学士学位. 对于希望在数据科学领域扩展专业知识的计算机科学学位的专业人士来说,它可能会很有兴趣. 它也针对完成不同轨道或程序并希望涵盖多个专业的当前学生.

Fundamentals of Computing and Security certificate
计算机和安全基础证书为对计算机和安全感兴趣的学生提供了一个简单的入门点,并且可能缺乏我们更多理论计算机科学课程的先决条件. CSCI 227是三门基于python的计算课程中的第一门课程,满足我们计算机科学和网络安全学位的编程要求.

Software Development certificate
的 Software Development certificate is intended for students who wish to build their development expertise. This certificate can be useful for students in other 主要s who are interested in a software development career. 它也适用于以前在不同专业完成学位并希望申请我们的研究生课程的学生, but do not yet have software development experience. Programming knowledge equivalent to the Computer Science Foundations certificate is expected.

软件工程 certificate
软件工程 certificate draws from the set of courses that are specific to the B.S. in 软件工程 and the 软件工程 track of our B.S. 计算机科学学士学位. 对于希望在软件工程领域扩展专业知识的具有计算机科学学位的专业人员来说,它可能会很有兴趣. 它也针对完成不同轨道或程序并希望涵盖多个专业的当前学生.


Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design certificate
certificate program in apparel, retail 销售, and 设计 enables students to become problem solvers and leaders, equipped to create and oversee diverse aspects within the global marketplace. 学生们不仅学习如何开发和销售产品,还获得了管理成功企业的宝贵见解. 的 courses offered encompass a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from the development, 设计, and 市场营销 of materials and products within the market and industry to the essential skills of sourcing, 购买, 销售, 促销活动, and understanding consumer behavior.



Professor and Department Chair
QBB 258 a22
(701) 231-8197

Professor, 本科 Coordinator
QBB 258 a28
(701) 231-6748


Entrepreneurship certificate
创业项目 serve the needs of and is accessible to all NDSU students, regardless of 主要. 该证书为学生提供了工具和能力,使他们能够解决创业和管理新企业的复杂性, whether that venture be a new startup or a spin-off from an existing company.

Event Management certificate
Event Management undergraduate certificate is 设计ed for students seeking specialization in planning, 预算, 市场营销, 执行会议, 约定, 特别活动. 在整个项目中, students develop foundational knowledge and hands-on experiences in these areas, learning how to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios effectively. 的 certificate is accessible to all NDSU students, regardless of 主要.

Associate Professor of Hospitality and Event Management​

Family Financial Planning certificate
家庭财务规划本科证书是专为学生谁想要帮助个人和家庭的财务挑战朝着长期的财务福利工作. Students will learn foundational information as well as how to apply it in practice with both individuals 和家庭. Completion of the certificate makes students eligible to take the Accredited Financial Counseling exam, the first step in becoming an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) ©.



For more information on any of these programs, contact:
(701) 231-8075 
卡罗莱纳.转身.2 @absolutetravelgetaways.com

International applicants with questions about applying for the programs or certificates listed on this page, 请联系:
International 本科 入学s Team
Office of International Student and Study Abroad Services